The Hunley Locator

Manufacturers: Make Finding Dealers
and Contractors Simple

Improve your customer experience by making it easy for them to find product dealers and contractors directly on your website. The Hunley Locator is a powerful tool that automates your entire process while maintaining and updating your database.

Using Salesforce as your source database, the Hunley Locator ensures that your website always displays the most up-to-date information on dealers and contractors. And with continuous updates from your sales team, you can be sure that your customers will always have a seamless experience.

The Hunley Group Dealer Locator

Features & Functions

Make Your Website a Display Engine,
Not a Database

  • With Salesforce as your Locator source, your website doesn’t need to house a database
  • Every search surfaces the latest, most up-to-date information
  • Salesforce users are empowered to make real-time updates

Guide Buyers
in Your Channel

  • Allow buyers to match with the best fits
  • Display whatever key characteristics are most relevant for your business

Capture User Data to
Power Analytics

  • Capture the localities where your buyers actually are
  • Target your marketing appropriately
  • Generate heat maps for analyses

Capture and Share
Leads with Your Channel

  • Gain visibility into high-volume ZIP codes
  • Empower sales team to target marketing efforts efficiently
  • Generate valuable, qualified leads
Transformation Starts Here